Monday, November 12, 2007

Surprise Visitor

On Sunday, our class had a visitor from my brother, Tom Meltzer, who wrote the chanuka song we learned last year, "They Would Not Bow Down." He played the song for the class, and as an added bonus, performed a few vocabulary songs that her wrote for a podcast he writes for the Princeton Review. See if any of your children remember what the prefix "poly" means.....

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Our Videos

Here are two stories from the life of Samuel, presented here in reverse chronological order, for no reason other than I haven't learned how to edit video. I'll publish a summary of the stories in the near future. Enjoy!

So long

It's been so long since I've updated the blog. Don't confuse the lack of posts with inactivity in the classroom. We've been busy studying stories of the prophets, and doing some creative projects. Students made some wonderful collages of the story of Samson, and last week we set up an ad hoc studio and made videos of 2 stories of Samuel. I hope to get those uploaded today so that you can watch them on line.

I was absent this past Sunday because of a book engagement, and will be absent once again on the last day before Thanksgiving. Gili is a fantastic and reliable sub. I predict that my 'book tour' will be over by the end of November. If anyone gets Hadassah Magazine, you'll notice that my book is recommended in this month's issue.